Wednesday, May 30, 2018

This Dangerous "Advice" Could Cost You Serious Money In Your Retirement

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;dam-image shutterstock size-large wp-image-784597141&q; src=&q;; data-height=&q;640&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; Shutterstock

It&a;rsquo;s a piece of advice so common I&a;rsquo;m sure you&a;rsquo;ve heard it a million times. Too bad it&a;rsquo;s dead wrong.

I&a;rsquo;m talking about the so-called &a;ldquo;wisdom&a;rdquo; that index funds &l;i&g;always&l;/i&g; beat funds with real, live human managers.

Before I get into why it&a;rsquo;s wrong&a;mdash;and show you 10 smartly run funds that easily beat their ETF cousins (while dropping an unheard-of 7.5% average dividend into our laps)&a;mdash;let me explain the problem here.

First, I should say that there are cases where index investing makes sense. If you&a;rsquo;re 20 years old and you&a;rsquo;re putting 10% of your income into a retirement fund, planning to retire when you&a;rsquo;re 60 and won&a;rsquo;t touch your savings till then, index investing &l;i&g;may&l;/i&g; work for you.

For just about everyone else, it&a;rsquo;s wrong. A big reason why boils down to cash flow.

If you&a;rsquo;re a retiree or nearing retirement, getting a 7% or 8% income stream from your portfolio is likely important to you. But index investors will tell you that this is impossible to sustain in the long run, because if you try that with a portfolio of index funds, you&a;rsquo;ll quickly run out of money.

But you &l;i&g;can&l;/i&g; get that kind of income much more easily with actively managed funds&a;mdash;many of which have been paying that amount out for over a decade, and some for much longer.

And when you get outside of regular stocks, things get really interesting. Because that&a;rsquo;s where actively managed funds easily stand head and shoulders over the paupers of the index-investing world.

The best part? This is an opportunity that&a;rsquo;s dead simple for us to exploit, starting with&a;hellip;

&l;b&g;10 Index-Crushing Funds With 7.5% Cash Payouts&l;/b&g;

So let me show you those 10 funds I mentioned off the top&a;mdash;the ones that have beaten their benchmark index for more than a decade and pay a 7.5% average dividend yield, too.

For this example, I&a;rsquo;ll choose preferred stocks&a;mdash;an asset class that&a;rsquo;s very close to common stocks but also has a lot of elements of bonds. Most importantly, &l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;preferred stocks have a much higher yield than common stocks&l;/a&g;, which is how we can grab that fat income stream I just mentioned.

These 10 funds all have the same things in common, and they are the &l;i&g;only&l;/i&g; funds that have these attributes. All 10 of these cash machines are:

&l;/p&g;&l;ol&g;&l;li&g;actively managed.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;focused mainly or entirely on preferred stocks.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;&l;a href=&q;; target=&q;_blank&q;&g;closed-end funds (CEFs)&l;/a&g;.&l;/li&g;

&l;li&g;well-established, with histories stretching back a decade or longer.&l;/li&g;


The 10 funds that match these 4 simple criteria have all beaten the preferred-stock benchmark, the &l;b&g;iShares US Preferred Stock ETF,&l;/b&g; for over a decade. Take a look at the following table. You&a;rsquo;ll see that it&a;rsquo;s proof positive that the index-investing lie is just that&a;mdash;a lie.

&l;b&g;Big Gains&a;mdash;and Dividends&a;mdash;From Human Managers&l;/b&g;

&l;img class=&q;size-full wp-image-666&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;315&q; data-width=&q;600&q;&g; Source: Contrarian Outlook

Let&a;rsquo;s start with fees.

Notice that PFF is the cheapest by this measure, boasting fees that are less than a third of those on the cheapest actively managed fund here. And 3 of these funds have fees over 2%!

The passive index-investing aficionado would scoff at such fees and pat themselves on the back for choosing PFF, the &a;ldquo;cheaper&a;rdquo; option.

And in doing so, they would lose &l;i&g;a lot &l;/i&g;of money.

First, let&a;rsquo;s emphasize that the returns these funds gave investors are all &l;i&g;after fees&l;/i&g;, and we are comparing total returns (capital gains and dividends) for all funds, so this is a truly same-basis comparison.

Now notice the &a;ldquo;10Yr CAGR&a;rdquo; column, which shows the average annual return of each fund over the last decade. The &a;ldquo;dumb&a;rdquo; index fund has given investors a 5% return over that time&a;mdash;less than two-thirds of gain on the lowest-performing actively managed fund (JPS), which is up 7.6% over the last decade.

Let&a;rsquo;s put some numbers behind this: $100,000 in PFF would be $162,890 after a decade&a;mdash;while JPS would give that same investor $208,030. That&a;rsquo;s right, the &a;ldquo;smart&a;rdquo; index investor lost out on $45,140 by betting on the index fund!

And that&a;rsquo;s the &l;i&g;worst &l;/i&g;active fund.

Take a look at the profits the passive investor missed out on by choosing PFF over these actively managed options.

&l;img class=&q;size-full wp-image-665&q; src=&q;; alt=&q;&q; data-height=&q;301&q; data-width=&q;600&q;&g; Source: Contrarian Outlook

In the most extreme case, the investor missed out on $216,707&a;mdash;over &l;i&g;double &l;/i&g;the initial investment! Even the investor who didn&a;rsquo;t know which active fund to pick and simply put $10,000 into each one would have ended up with $274,868, or over $111,000 more than the PFF index investor.

If that&a;rsquo;s not proof that an active approach crushes a passive one, I don&a;rsquo;t know what is.

Disclosure: none


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Billionaire owner of Le Figaro and Dassault Aviation dies

The billionaire owner of France's Le Figaro newspaper and jet maker Dassault has died.

Serge Dassault was 93 when he passed away on Monday, his family announced.

The industrialist and media magnate was one of France's richest men, with a fortune estimated by Forbes at about $26 billion.

In a short statement, the Dassault family announced that Serge Dassault "died at his office on the Champs �lys茅es, following a heart attack."

In an article published on its website, Le Figaro described him as "the head of one of the wealthiest dynasties in France and one of the most influential and powerful family holdings."

The diversified group he inherited from his father �� Marcel Dassault �� employs about 18,000 people and is a world leader in aviation, making Falcon private jets as well as the Mirage 2000 and Rafale fighter aircraft.

It owns Dassault Syst猫mes (DASTY), which provides 3D computer-aided design software for industry, wine estates, an auction house and several very valuable works of art.

Serge Dassault also had a political career, serving as a conservative senator and mayor.

-- Saskya Vandoorne contributed to this article

Monday, May 28, 2018

Zacks: Analysts Anticipate NeoPhotonics Co. (NPTN) to Post -$0.18 EPS

Equities research analysts expect NeoPhotonics Co. (NYSE:NPTN) to report ($0.18) earnings per share (EPS) for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Five analysts have provided estimates for NeoPhotonics’ earnings. The lowest EPS estimate is ($0.21) and the highest is ($0.13). NeoPhotonics reported earnings of ($0.15) per share during the same quarter last year, which would suggest a negative year over year growth rate of 20%. The business is expected to report its next earnings results on Thursday, August 2nd.

On average, analysts expect that NeoPhotonics will report full-year earnings of ($0.59) per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from ($0.78) to ($0.42). For the next financial year, analysts forecast that the firm will post earnings of ($0.05) per share, with EPS estimates ranging from ($0.32) to $0.24. Zacks Investment Research’s earnings per share averages are a mean average based on a survey of research firms that cover NeoPhotonics.

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NeoPhotonics (NYSE:NPTN) last posted its earnings results on Tuesday, May 8th. The semiconductor company reported ($0.33) earnings per share for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.26) by ($0.07). NeoPhotonics had a negative net margin of 20.72% and a negative return on equity of 26.15%. The business had revenue of $68.59 million during the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $69.65 million. During the same period last year, the business posted ($0.25) earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was down 4.3% compared to the same quarter last year.

Several research analysts have commented on the stock. B. Riley reaffirmed a “neutral” rating and set a $5.75 price objective (up from $5.00) on shares of NeoPhotonics in a research note on Friday, March 2nd. Zacks Investment Research lowered shares of NeoPhotonics from a “hold” rating to a “sell” rating in a research note on Tuesday, March 13th. ValuEngine raised shares of NeoPhotonics from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research note on Monday, May 14th. Rosenblatt Securities set a $13.00 price objective on shares of NeoPhotonics and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research note on Wednesday, May 9th. Finally, Piper Jaffray Companies lowered shares of NeoPhotonics from an “overweight” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research note on Monday, January 29th. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, six have issued a hold rating, four have assigned a buy rating and one has given a strong buy rating to the company. NeoPhotonics has an average rating of “Hold” and a consensus price target of $9.00.

Several large investors have recently added to or reduced their stakes in NPTN. Russell Investments Group Ltd. lifted its position in shares of NeoPhotonics by 1,085.4% during the first quarter. Russell Investments Group Ltd. now owns 2,906,592 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $19,909,000 after purchasing an additional 2,661,392 shares during the last quarter. Boston Partners lifted its position in shares of NeoPhotonics by 506.6% during the first quarter. Boston Partners now owns 1,789,520 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $12,259,000 after purchasing an additional 1,494,520 shares during the last quarter. Cavalry Management Group LLC lifted its position in shares of NeoPhotonics by 148.3% during the first quarter. Cavalry Management Group LLC now owns 1,226,971 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $8,404,000 after purchasing an additional 732,852 shares during the last quarter. Royce & Associates LP lifted its position in shares of NeoPhotonics by 25.2% during the fourth quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 2,274,658 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $14,967,000 after purchasing an additional 457,930 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Northpointe Capital LLC lifted its position in shares of NeoPhotonics by 21.6% during the fourth quarter. Northpointe Capital LLC now owns 1,238,969 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $8,152,000 after purchasing an additional 220,475 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 82.61% of the company’s stock.

Shares of NeoPhotonics traded up $0.26, reaching $6.84, on Tuesday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. The company’s stock had a trading volume of 837,707 shares, compared to its average volume of 1,078,848. NeoPhotonics has a 1 year low of $4.56 and a 1 year high of $9.78. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.26, a quick ratio of 1.29 and a current ratio of 1.77. The firm has a market cap of $304.78 million, a PE ratio of -6.22 and a beta of 0.94.

About NeoPhotonics

NeoPhotonics Corporation develops, manufactures, and sells optoelectronic products that transmit, receive, and switch high speed digital optical signals for communications networks. It offers high speed products, including transmitter, receiver, and switching products for 100G (gigabits per second) and optical transmission applications over distances of 2 to 2,000 kilometers; optical components for coherent systems, including narrow linewidth tunable transmit and local oscillator lasers (NLW-ITLA) that generate ultra-pure wavelength or color for coherent transmission, as well as coherent micro-modulators, which encode the information on the intensity and phase of the optical beam; and integrated coherent receivers (ICRs) that decode the phase and polarization encoded coherent signals.

Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on NeoPhotonics (NPTN)

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Friday, May 25, 2018

Interface (TILE) Lowered to “Hold” at ValuEngine

ValuEngine cut shares of Interface (NASDAQ:TILE) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research report sent to investors on Thursday morning.

A number of other research analysts also recently commented on TILE. Zacks Investment Research upgraded Interface from a hold rating to a buy rating and set a $28.00 target price for the company in a research report on Tuesday, February 27th. BidaskClub upgraded Interface from a hold rating to a buy rating in a research report on Tuesday, March 27th. Three research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and two have assigned a buy rating to the stock. The company currently has an average rating of Hold and an average target price of $25.67.

Get Interface alerts:

NASDAQ TILE opened at $22.70 on Thursday. The company has a quick ratio of 1.44, a current ratio of 2.60 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.68. The company has a market cap of $1.36 billion, a PE ratio of 19.24 and a beta of 1.24. Interface has a one year low of $18.30 and a one year high of $26.25.

Interface (NASDAQ:TILE) last posted its earnings results on Wednesday, April 25th. The textile maker reported $0.25 EPS for the quarter, beating analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.23 by $0.02. The firm had revenue of $241.00 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $234.96 million. Interface had a return on equity of 22.51% and a net margin of 5.88%. The company’s quarterly revenue was up 9.0% compared to the same quarter last year. During the same period in the prior year, the company earned $0.21 EPS. sell-side analysts expect that Interface will post 1.43 EPS for the current year.

The business also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, May 25th. Investors of record on Friday, May 11th will be given a $0.065 dividend. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, May 10th. This represents a $0.26 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 1.15%. Interface’s dividend payout ratio is presently 22.03%.

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the stock. BlackRock Inc. lifted its position in Interface by 10.4% in the first quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 8,617,068 shares of the textile maker’s stock worth $217,152,000 after buying an additional 810,681 shares during the last quarter. Frontier Capital Management Co. LLC lifted its position in Interface by 2.5% in the first quarter. Frontier Capital Management Co. LLC now owns 2,765,488 shares of the textile maker’s stock worth $69,690,000 after buying an additional 67,472 shares during the last quarter. Millennium Management LLC lifted its position in Interface by 611.0% in the fourth quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 960,638 shares of the textile maker’s stock worth $24,160,000 after buying an additional 825,536 shares during the last quarter. Wells Fargo & Company MN lifted its position in Interface by 14.5% in the first quarter. Wells Fargo & Company MN now owns 920,947 shares of the textile maker’s stock worth $23,209,000 after buying an additional 116,681 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Wedge Capital Management L L P NC lifted its position in Interface by 2.9% in the fourth quarter. Wedge Capital Management L L P NC now owns 803,417 shares of the textile maker’s stock worth $20,206,000 after buying an additional 23,010 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 93.00% of the company’s stock.

About Interface

Interface, Inc, a modular flooring company, designs, produces, and sells modular carpet products primarily in the Americas, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific. The company offers modular carpets under the Interface and FLOR names; carpet tiles under the GlasBacRE name for use in commercial interiors, including offices, healthcare facilities, airports, educational and other institutions, hospitality spaces, and retail facilities, as well as residential interiors; modular resilient flooring products; and luxury vinyl tile products.

To view ValuEngine’s full report, visit ValuEngine’s official website.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

best business to buy stock in


Editor��s Note: This is a free edition of The Technical Indicator, a daily MarketWatch subscriber newsletter. To get this column each market day, click here.

Even amid elevated geopolitical tensions, the bigger-picture market technicals have strengthened in recent sessions.

Consider that the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite have reclaimed major resistance �� S&P 2,453 and Nasdaq 6,342 �� thus far topping within view of record territory.

Before detailing the U.S. markets�� wider view, the S&P 500��s SPX, -0.76% �hourly chart highlights the past two weeks.

best business to buy stock in: GasLog LP.(GLOG)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ethan Ryder]

    GasLog (NYSE:GLOG) has been assigned a consensus rating of “Hold” from the nine analysts that are currently covering the company, reports. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a sell rating, four have issued a hold rating and three have issued a buy rating on the company. The average twelve-month price objective among brokers that have covered the stock in the last year is $20.30.

  • [By Max Byerly]

    Here are some of the news articles that may have effected Accern’s rankings:

    Get GasLog alerts: Validea’s Top Five Energy Stocks Based On Peter Lynch – 5/13/2018 ( GasLog Ltd. (GLOG): Stock in Featured Spotlight: ( Is it time to Sell Now? GasLog Ltd. (GLOG) ( BRIEF-Gaslog Partners Announces Election Of Director ( GasLog Partners LP Announces Election of Director at 2018 Annual Meeting of Limited Partners (

    A number of research firms have commented on GLOG. Morgan Stanley downgraded shares of GasLog from an “overweight” rating to an “equal weight” rating and set a $20.00 target price for the company. in a research report on Monday, February 12th. They noted that the move was a valuation call. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of GasLog from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Monday, March 12th. Stifel Nicolaus reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $20.00 target price (up previously from $19.00) on shares of GasLog in a research report on Saturday, February 17th. Jefferies Group reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $24.00 target price on shares of GasLog in a research report on Friday, January 26th. Finally, Seaport Global Securities reaffirmed a “buy” rating and issued a $23.00 target price on shares of GasLog in a research report on Friday, February 23rd. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, five have issued a hold rating and three have given a buy rating to the company. The stock has a consensus rating of “Hold” and an average target price of $20.30.

best business to buy stock in: Acacia Research Corporation(ACTG)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    ValuEngine lowered shares of Acacia Research (NASDAQ:ACTG) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a report published on Wednesday morning.

    ACTG has been the topic of a number of other reports. Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of Acacia Research from a buy rating to a hold rating in a report on Friday, March 23rd. TheStreet downgraded shares of Acacia Research from a c- rating to a d rating in a report on Friday, February 16th. One equities research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, two have given a hold rating and one has assigned a buy rating to the stock. The company presently has a consensus rating of Hold and an average price target of $5.67.

  • [By Shane Hupp]

    Media coverage about Acacia Research (NASDAQ:ACTG) has trended somewhat positive recently, Accern Sentiment reports. Accern identifies positive and negative media coverage by monitoring more than twenty million blog and news sources in real-time. Accern ranks coverage of public companies on a scale of negative one to positive one, with scores closest to one being the most favorable. Acacia Research earned a news sentiment score of 0.13 on Accern’s scale. Accern also assigned media coverage about the business services provider an impact score of 46.8999050024634 out of 100, meaning that recent media coverage is somewhat unlikely to have an effect on the stock’s share price in the next few days.

best business to buy stock in: General Employment Enterprises, Inc.(JOB)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Lisa Levin] Gainers Check-Cap Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHEK) shares rose 78.82 percent to close at $7.26 on Monday. GEE Group, Inc. (NYSE: JOB) shares jumped 18 percent to close at $2.36. McDermott International, Inc. (NYSE: MDR) climbed 15.7 percent to close at $7.00 after the UK-based offshore oil service company Subsea 7 made an unsolicited bid to buy McDermott for $7 per share. However, the acquisition offer is contingent on McDermot terminating its pending merger with Chicago Bridge & Iron Company. Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ: FRSX) gained 17.21 percent to close at $3.61. Stars Group Inc. (NASDAQ: TSG) rose 14.16 percent to close at $33.45. Stars Group Inc (NASDAQ: TSG) announced plans to acquire Sky Betting & Gaming for $4.7 billion. China Internet Nationwide Financial Services Inc. (NASDAQ: CIFS) shares jumped 12.79 percent to close at $25.58. Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE: NLS) shares gained 11.52 percent to close at $15.00. Nautilus is expected to release Q1 results on May 7, 2018. Craig-Hallum initiated coverage on Nautilus with a Buy rating and a $19.00 price target. Box, Inc. (NYSE: BOX) rose 10.94 percent to close at $22.91. Insmed Incorporated (NASDAQ: INSM) shares rose 10.76 percent to close at $26.05. Credit Suisse upgraded Insmed from Neutral to Outperform. NextDecade Corporation (NASDAQ: NEXT) shares rose 10.02 percent to close at $6.48. Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc. (NASDAQ: HMNY) shares gained 8.37 percent to close at $2.46 on Monday after falling 10.98 percent on Friday. Cambium Learning Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABCD) shares gained 7.81 percent to close at $11.11. Vectren Corporation (NYSE: VVC) shares rose 7.26 percent to close at $70.31. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) announced plans to acquire Vectren for $72 per share in cash. Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) rose 6.66 percent to close at $74.45 after the company posted upbeat Q1 results and raised its FY18 earnings outlook. Hanesbrands Inc.
  • [By Lisa Levin] Gainers Valeritas Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: VLRX) shares jumped 17 percent to $3.65. Cambium Learning Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABCD) shares rose 13.5 percent to $11.70. McDermott International, Inc. (NYSE: MDR) gained 11.6 percent to $6.75 after the UK-based offshore oil service company Subsea 7 made an unsolicited bid to buy McDermott for $7 per share. However, the acquisition offer is contingent on McDermot terminating its pending merger with Chicago Bridge & Iron Company. Nautilus, Inc. (NYSE: NLS) shares jumped 11.2 percent to $14.95. Nautilus is expected to release Q1 results on May 7, 2018. Craig-Hallum initiated coverage on Nautilus with a Buy rating and a $19.00 price target. GEE Group, Inc. (NYSE: JOB) shares gained 11 percent to $2.2199. Check-Cap Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHEK) surged 10.8 percent to $4.50. Foresight Autonomous Holdings Ltd (NASDAQ: FRSX) rose 10.1 percent to $3.39. Stars Group Inc. (NASDAQ: TSG) climbed 9.6 percent to $32.10. Stars Group Inc (NASDAQ: TSG) announced plans to acquire Sky Betting & Gaming for $4.7 billion. Insmed Incorporated (NASDAQ: INSM) shares jumped 9.1 percent to $25.66. Credit Suisse upgraded Insmed from Neutral to Outperform. Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) rose 8.4 percent to $75.65 after the company posted upbeat Q1 results and raised its FY18 earnings outlook. Command Security Corporation (NYSE: MOC) shares gained 6.4 percent to $3.0960 after the company disclosed a $23 million five-year contract with LaGuardia Gateway Partners for LaGuardia Airport New Central Terminal Building. Helios and Matheson Analytics Inc. (NASDAQ: HMNY) rose 6.2 percent to $2.41 after falling 10.98 percent on Friday. Vectren Corporation (NYSE: VVC) shares rose 5.7 percent to $69.31. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. (NYSE: CNP) announced plans to acquire Vectren for $72 per share in cash. Hanesbrands Inc. (NYSE: HBI) gained 4.9 percent to $18.035. Stifel Nicolaus upgraded Hanesbrands from Hold to Buy. M
  • [By Lisa Levin] Gainers Blink Charging Co. (NASDAQ: BLNK) shares jumped 26.5 percent to $6.9042. Blink Charging reported Q1 net income of $2.2 million, versus a year-ago net loss of $3.1 million. Eleven Biotherapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: EBIO) shares climbed 17.4 percent to $3.11. Eleven Biotherapeutics posted a Q1 loss of $0.11 per share. Flanigan's Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: BDL) shares jumped 17 percent to $27.97 following Q2 results. Flanigan's Enterprises posted Q2 earnings of $0.75 per share on sales of $29.456 million. Borqs Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: BRQS) rose 15.8 percent to $8.05 after reporting Q1 results. Abaxis, Inc. (NASDAQ: ABAX) jumped 15.3 percent to $82.75. Zoetis Inc. (NYSE: ZTS) announced plans to acquire Abaxis for $83 per share in cash. 21Vianet Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: VNET) gained 15.1 percent to $6.33. Gemphire Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: GEMP) rose 13.8 percent to $6.27. Enphase Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: ENPH) gained 12.8 percent to $5.98. H.C. Wainwright initiated coverage on Enphase Energy with a Buy rating. PetIQ Inc (NASDAQ: PETQ) shares surged 12.1 percent to $21.68 after reporting a first-quarter sales beat. NF Energy Saving Corporation (NASDAQ: NFEC) climbed 11.6 percent to $2.399. Allied Healthcare Products, Inc. (NASDAQ: AHPI) surged 11.4 percent to $3.0643. Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: BOOT) gained 11.1 percent to $24.40 after the company reported upbeat results for its fourth quarter and issued strong first-quarter earnings guidance. Ascena Retail Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ASNA) rose 10.9 percent to $3.16. Sea Limited (NYSE: SE) gained 10.1 percent to $11.71 after reporting Q1 results. GEE Group, Inc. (NYSE: JOB) climbed 7.9 percent to $2.61 following Q2 results. The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. (NASDAQ: STKS) gained 7.6 percent to $2.41 after reporting Q1 results. Biolinerx Ltd/S ADR (NASDAQ: BLRX) rose 7.3 percent to $0.8798 after the company was granted a patent approval. The clinical-st

best business to buy stock in: Energy Fuels Inc(UUUU)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Stephan Byrd]

    Energy Fuels (NYSEAMERICAN:UUUU) (TSE:EFR) shares saw an uptick in trading volume on Monday . 1,091,365 shares were traded during mid-day trading, an increase of 300% from the previous session’s volume of 272,846 shares.The stock last traded at $2.09 and had previously closed at $2.04.

best business to buy stock in: Rexnord Corporation(RXN)

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Motley Fool Staff]

    Rexnord Corporation (NYSE:RXN) Q4 2018 Earnings Conference CallMay. 15, 2018 8:00 a.m. ET

    Contents: Prepared Remarks Questions and Answers Call Participants Prepared Remarks:


  • [By Lisa Levin]


    Companies Reporting After The Bell Agilent Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: A) is estimated to post quarterly earnings at $0.64 per share on revenue of $1.21 billion. Vipshop Holdings Limited (NYSE: VIPS) is expected to post quarterly earnings at $0.18 per share on revenue of $3.10 billion. Rexnord Corporation (NYSE: RXN) is projected to post quarterly earnings at $0.39 per share on revenue of $551.94 million. Invitation Homes Inc. (NYSE: INVH) is estimated to post quarterly earnings at $0.03 per share on revenue of $423.13 million. Switch, Inc. (NYSE: SWCH) is expected to post quarterly earnings at $0.05 per share on revenue of $99.83 million. Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITRI) is projected to post quarterly earnings at $0.13 per share on revenue of $579.85 million. Hollysys Automation Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: HOLI) is expected to post quarterly earnings at $0.44 per share on revenue of $119.06 million. Amyris, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMRS) is estimated to post quarterly earnings at $0.07 per share on revenue of $68.14 million. Dicerna Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: DRNA) is projected to post quarterly loss at $0.38 per share on revenue of $1.87 million. VOXX International Corporation (NASDAQ: VOXX) is expected to post quarterly earnings at $0.05 per share on revenue of $130.00 million. Phoenix New Media Limited (NYSE: FENG) is estimated to post quarterly loss at $0.12 per share on revenue of $45.38 million. Restoration Robotics, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAIR) is projected to post quarterly loss at $0.17 per share on revenue of $5.93 million. YogaWorks, Inc. (NASDAQ: YOGA) is estimated to post quarterly loss at $0.22 per share on revenue of
  • [By Joseph Griffin]

    Rexnord (NYSE:RXN) announced its quarterly earnings results on Monday. The industrial products company reported $0.38 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of $0.39 by ($0.01), reports. Rexnord had a net margin of 8.29% and a return on equity of 13.05%.

Haemonetics (HAE) EVP Sells $12,484.92 in Stock

Haemonetics (NYSE:HAE) EVP Neil Mr. Ryding sold 267 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Thursday, October 25th. The shares were sold at an average price of $46.76, for a total value of $12,484.92. The sale was disclosed in a filing with the SEC, which is available at this hyperlink.

Neil Mr. Ryding also recently made the following trade(s):

Get Haemonetics alerts: On Saturday, October 20th, Neil Mr. Ryding sold 351 shares of Haemonetics stock. The shares were sold at an average price of $34.16, for a total value of $11,990.16.

Haemonetics traded up $1.60, hitting $90.77, on Wednesday, according to MarketBeat Ratings. 276,400 shares of the company were exchanged, compared to its average volume of 488,215. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.08, a current ratio of 1.35 and a quick ratio of 0.94. Haemonetics has a 12 month low of $38.47 and a 12 month high of $91.55. The firm has a market cap of $4.86 billion, a price-to-earnings ratio of 48.54, a PEG ratio of 4.11 and a beta of 0.90.

Haemonetics (NYSE:HAE) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, May 8th. The medical instruments supplier reported $0.43 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, hitting the consensus estimate of $0.43. Haemonetics had a return on equity of 12.71% and a net margin of 5.04%. The business had revenue of $233.55 million for the quarter, compared to analyst estimates of $226.63 million. During the same period last year, the company earned $0.39 EPS. Haemonetics’s revenue for the quarter was up 2.4% compared to the same quarter last year. sell-side analysts anticipate that Haemonetics will post 2.21 EPS for the current year.

Haemonetics declared that its board has initiated a stock repurchase program on Tuesday, February 6th that authorizes the company to buyback $260.00 million in outstanding shares. This buyback authorization authorizes the medical instruments supplier to purchase shares of its stock through open market purchases. Stock buyback programs are generally an indication that the company’s board of directors believes its shares are undervalued.

Several equities analysts have recently commented on HAE shares. ValuEngine upgraded Haemonetics from a “buy” rating to a “strong-buy” rating in a research report on Monday, April 9th. Morgan Stanley increased their price objective on Haemonetics from $74.00 to $77.00 and gave the company an “overweight” rating in a research report on Wednesday, February 7th. Zacks Investment Research lowered Haemonetics from a “strong-buy” rating to a “sell” rating in a research report on Wednesday, April 11th. JMP Securities reiterated an “outperform” rating and set a $72.00 price objective on shares of Haemonetics in a research report on Wednesday, February 7th. Finally, Barrington Research increased their price objective on Haemonetics to $90.00 and gave the company an “outperform” rating in a research report on Wednesday, May 9th. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, three have issued a hold rating, four have assigned a buy rating and one has assigned a strong buy rating to the company. The company has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus target price of $80.83.

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the stock. Meeder Asset Management Inc. grew its position in Haemonetics by 2,845.3% during the 4th quarter. Meeder Asset Management Inc. now owns 1,885 shares of the medical instruments supplier’s stock worth $110,000 after acquiring an additional 1,821 shares during the last quarter. Alpine Woods Capital Investors LLC bought a new position in Haemonetics during the 1st quarter worth approximately $236,000. CIBC Asset Management Inc bought a new position in Haemonetics during the 4th quarter worth approximately $210,000. Everence Capital Management Inc. bought a new position in Haemonetics during the 4th quarter worth approximately $212,000. Finally, First Allied Advisory Services Inc. bought a new position in Haemonetics during the 4th quarter worth approximately $220,000. Institutional investors and hedge funds own 97.34% of the company’s stock.

About Haemonetics

Haemonetics Corporation, a healthcare company, provides hematology products and solutions. The company operates through five segments: North America Plasma; Americas Blood Center and Hospital; Europe, Middle East and Africa; Asia Pacific; and Japan. It offers plasma collection and storage products, including PCS brand plasma collection equipment and disposables, plasma collection containers, and intravenous solutions, as well as information technology platforms for plasma customers to manage their donors, operations, and supply chain; Multicomponent Collection System brand apheresis equipment to collect specific blood components integrated from the donor; Automated Cell Processor brand solution to automate the washing and freezing of red cell components; and whole blood collection and processing products.

Insider Buying and Selling by Quarter for Haemonetics (NYSE:HAE)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP Buys Post Holdings Inc, Sells Advance Auto Parts Inc

New York, NY, based Investment company Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP buys Post Holdings Inc, sells Advance Auto Parts Inc during the 3-months ended 2018-03-31, according to the most recent filings of the investment company, Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP. As of 2018-03-31, Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP owns 8 stocks with a total value of $68 million. These are the details of the buys and sells.

Added Positions: POST, BWP, Reduced Positions: AAP,

For the details of Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP's stock buys and sells, go to

These are the top 5 holdings of Richmond Hill Investment Co., LPGlobal Indemnity Ltd (GBLI) - 1,043,157 shares, 52.79% of the total portfolio. Boardwalk Pipeline Partners LP (BWP) - 713,267 shares, 10.61% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 15.69%Post Holdings Inc (POST) - 85,288 shares, 9.47% of the total portfolio. Shares added by 112.95%Advance Auto Parts Inc (AAP) - 49,106 shares, 8.53% of the total portfolio. Shares reduced by 20.97%American International Group Inc (AIG.WS) - 320,761 shares, 7.71% of the total portfolio. Added: Post Holdings Inc (POST)

Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP added to a holding in Post Holdings Inc by 112.95%. The purchase prices were between $71.63 and $82.04, with an estimated average price of $77.28. The stock is now traded at around $75.91. The impact to a portfolio due to this purchase was 5.02%. The holding were 85,288 shares as of 2018-03-31.

Reduced: Advance Auto Parts Inc (AAP)

Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP reduced to a holding in Advance Auto Parts Inc by 20.97%. The sale prices were between $105.35 and $123.64, with an estimated average price of $114.26. The stock is now traded at around $115.33. The impact to a portfolio due to this sale was -1.77%. Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP still held 49,106 shares as of 2018-03-31.

Here is the complete portfolio of Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP. Also check out:

1. Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP's Undervalued Stocks
2. Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP's Top Growth Companies, and
3. Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP's High Yield stocks
4. Stocks that Richmond Hill Investment Co., LP keeps buying

Monday, May 21, 2018

Crude Oil Pipeline Capacity Out of the Permian Basin Is Vanishing

West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil traded at a discount of $7 a barrel to Brent crude late Monday morning, but that reflects just one headwind faced by U.S. crude producers. In the Permian Basin, the discount may surpass $20 or more a barrel due to a lack of pipeline takeaway capacity to transport the oil to Houston or Corpus Christi, where it can be loaded on a tanker for export.

This is truly a good news-bad news kind of story. Permian Basin production has been rising by about 70,000 barrels a day in the past few months, which translates to an increase of some 800,000 barrels a day by the end of this year. With crude prices hovering around $71 a barrel, there is little incentive for Permian producers to stop because even if they have to ship crude by rail or truck �� and pay transportation costs of anywhere between $8 and $20 or more a barrel as opposed to $3 or $4 a barrel for pipeline transportation �� they can still make money. Just not as much.

Earlier this month we reported on a survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas that indicated that transportation out of the Permian Basin to the Gulf Coast could be constrained until the middle of next year.

In the meantime, producers are paying up to $8 a barrel to transport Permian crude by rail to the coast and $20 a barrel or more to transport crude by truck. Now the problem becomes one of sufficient rail and truck capacity to do the job.

Further complicating the transportation issue is what producers will do with the associated natural gas that is released by drilling for oil. Some is being transported to out of the Permian Basin to other pipelines or processing plants, but some is also being flared (burned off) because there is not enough natural gas pipeline capacity to transport the gas. Barring a permit from the Texas Railroad Commission, the body that regulates energy production in the state, drilling may have to be curtailed once the flaring limit is reached.

Producers and pipeline operators are getting creative, according to a report this morning�from RBN Energy:

Is there an idle refined-products pipe that could be put back into service? Could drag-reducing agents be added to an existing crude pipeline to boost its throughput? How quickly could that mothballed crude-by-rail terminal be restarted?

Drag-reducing agents are being injected into pipelines to increase the volume of oil that flows through the pipeline by reducing the turbulence within the pipe. This works but is hardly capable of dealing with the expected surge in production.

While these are short-term solutions and may get Permian producers through the current takeaway shortage, the medium-term to long-term solution is new pipelines. RBN Energy produced the following map showing both existing and planned expansion and new pipelines (dashed lines on the map) that will increase takeaway capacity by more than 1.6 million barrels a day by 2020. In the short term (12 months or so), an additional 160 barrels a day are coming online, well short of projected production growth, and most of that is taking oil to Cushing, Oklahoma, not the Gulf Coast.

Source: RBN Energy

Saturday, May 19, 2018

The 5 Traits Of Safe High-Yield Stocks

There are currently 14,003 publically-traded securities on U.S. exchanges. Of those, there are 2,181 stocks currently paying a dividend.

Now, any knucklehead with a computer can generate a list of the market's highest-yielding stocks in five minutes, but that's no way to find a good investment. Investing is not as simple as buying anything with a double-digit yield.

A couple of weeks back on, I warned against blindly buying these super-aggressive yielders because "nine times out of 10, a stock yielding more than 15% is likely in big trouble."

But today, I will reveal how I find reliable, healthy dividend-paying stocks and why they are essential to building long-term wealth.

Every security I recommend to readers is put through an analytical boot camp before I even consider mentioning it. I must be sure that a high yield isn't a trap in disguise.

I start off with a large pool of growing companies yielding at least 5%. Then I run them through my "dividend optimizer" model to make sure they have all these key traits necessary for a steady and lasting income stream:

1. A long history of improving earnings. In general, the longer a firm has been profitable, the more likely it is to deliver steady returns in the coming years.

2. Consistent and growing dividend payments. I want to see steadily increasing dividends with no declines or missed payments.

3. Strong cash flows. Since you can't pay dividends without cash, I need to find companies that are generating above average amounts of cash every year.

4. Strong projected growth. Growing firms are more likely to be able to boost their dividends in the future.

5. A sustainable payout ratio. Firms occasionally pay out 100% or more of their earnings to shareholders. They can't do this for long without cutting their dividend. I avoid unsustainable dividend payouts.

The dividend-payers that I recommend in my High-Yield Investing premium advisory offer the most compelling risk-reward trade-off you can find. These securities provide a smooth ride while producing market-beating returns, instead of heart-stopping peaks and plunges. Bottom line, they are far less volatile.

If you think about it, it's one of the few free lunches in investing: You can get better returns and lower risk just by purchasing dividend-paying stocks. So, if you want to keep your money out of long-term losers like T-bills or CDs and put it to work in tireless investments that will never stop making you money, then High-Yield Investing might be just for you.

You see, it's not the specific level of yield that matters to me -- although it's a great feeling to pocket 10% a year in cash. What really counts is that the companies are actually paying them. Dividends are a sign of financial strength; of a real business making real profits.

Dividends require executives to use capital efficiently. Such practices send a clear message that management is treating shareholders right by paying them the profits they deserve as co-owners of the business.

What's more, a steady stream of dividends indicates that a company keeps straight books. You can hide a lot of bad news with tricky accounting, but you can't fake dividends.

The only thing better than a generous dividend is a generous and growing dividend. And there's only one way to consistently raise dividends: by growing cash flow.

Any company that can do that year after year will create a near-miraculous pile of money for you. Here's what I mean...

Altria (NYSE: MO), which most investors dismiss as a stodgy company, is a perfect example of this phenomenon. There's nothing fancy about making wine and cigarettes. But with its high dividends and years of 15%-to-20% growth, Altria has thrown off some of the best long-term returns of any investment of the past two decades.

While $10,000 invested in the S&P 500 in mid-1988 has grown into a substantial $78,677, that same $10,000 put into Altria exploded into $499,176. You can attribute the bulk of that remarkable 50-fold gain to Altria's decades-long record of high and rising dividends.

And believe it or not, these Altria investors incurred 22% less risk than the market during their 26-year ride.

To be fair, the Altria story is a particularly strong example of the miracle of compounded dividends. But it's far from unique. You can find similar results from any number of steady, but unspectacular, stocks with long-term records of high and rising dividends.

Let me give you a more recent example. In my February issue of High-Yield Investing, I recommended purchasing shares of a master-limited partnership (MLP) that owns thousands of miles of oil and gas pipelines, along with 11 natural gas processing facilities.

Despite a current rut in commodities prices, I was drawn to this firm due to its long-term take-or-pay contracts, which means customers pay to reserve transportation or storage space regardless of whether it's used or not.

This structure equates to predictable, reliable cash flows. And that reliability has led to increasing dividend payouts in 41 of the last 43 quarters, distributing $8.9 billion in total dividends since 2004. But that still leaves the company enough cash on hand to maintain its payouts if profits ever do slide.

Finding a company like this by picking one of the 2,181 dividend payers out of a hat would be near impossible. But with the criteria I outlined above, you could find hidden gems like Altria -- or the most recent addition to my High-Yield Investing portfolio -- with relative ease.

In the meantime, I urge you to check out my latest research report, which goes into more depth about how to put high-yield stocks to work for you today. To do so, click here.